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Ludovic Leclerc

Ludovic Leclerc, product marketing manager on Cloud Communications solutions and Rainbow cloud platform, Polytech Nantes, France, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.


Ludovic Leclerc

Product Marketing Manager, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Expert for over 20 years in telecommunication solutions, from carrier to enterprise business, Ludovic began his career as a software engineer and then moved to sales support and tendering for complex customer projects. As a Product Marketing Manager, he is currently focused on Cloud Communications and Customer Service solutions. Ludovic holds an Engineering degree in Computer Science (network, system, and cloud) from Polytech Nantes, France.

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Blog 1200x299

什麼是 WebRTC 以及為何我需要關注?

客戶參與對確保客戶滿意至關重要。WebRTC 可讓您即時互動,確保客戶會再次光顧。

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