
Xavier Martin
Dezembro 27, 2021

设定业务目标, 确保员工敬业, and understanding the impact on 业务流程 are vital for a successful 数字工作.


With the rapid onset of the hybrid work environment (a combination of in-office and remote working) organisations are being challenged to re-imagine their workplaces. 在某些情况下, this means re-aligning priorities and accelerating their digital transformation strategy, 包括 数字工作.

Creating a 数字工作 is about more than just throwing new technologies into an existing environment. While many enterprises may be tempted to start their evolution to the 数字工作 with technology, 在ALE,我们相信这是至关重要的 设定业务目标,了解 对劳动力的影响,并评估 对业务流程和IT操作的影响. Not taking these elements into consideration can increase the risk of missing business goals altogether.

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1. 设定业务目标


  • Status quo: In this scenario the organisation is not looking to increase any services, applications, or devices. The intent is to continue as if everyone were still working in the same room or building. 虽然投资成本有限,但也不太可能产生增量结果. 这种策略的真正风险在于,它可能导致“孤岛”, 或者由用户带入工作场所的基于云的影子IT.
  • Selective: In this scenario the organisation takes the opportunity to digitally transform key areas they deem as good candidates to deliver tangible outcomes for example, 客户服务, 电子商务网站, supply chain, 或者人力资源.
  • Global: In this over-arching scenario the 数字工作 evolution 业务目标 are cascaded down throughout the organisation and are regularly monitored and measured with the goal of turning the enterprise into a global 数字工作.

每个企业的最佳选择取决于他们的全球战略和预算. One is not better than the other, as long as it aligns with the organisation’s goals.

2. 对劳动力的影响

People are typically more attached to their environment than they’d like to admit. 一个数字工作场所项目,要求他们改变工作方式, 或者他们工作的地方, 会产生意想不到的后果. It’s important to understand the factors that can help the organisation deliver a 卓越的员工体验 while mitigating business risks. 这意味着了解员工的期望并管理他们的敬业度. After all, 最好留住你现有的员工, happy, 而不是试图吸引和培训新员工.

It’s important to nurture the connection between people who are used to working together. Voice exchanges are essential and should not be underestimated as a communications foundation. 有些人可能也会说视频, 但并非所有设备都支持视频功能, whereas, 任何手机都可以提供人们想要和需要的人际联系.

A 数字工作 is not just about making a cloud-based collaboration platform accessible. 并非在所有环境中都是如此. 仓库工人仍然需要移动设备, 比如DECT手机, 把他们的通讯带到他们去的任何地方. For example, 当从货架上为客户订单挑选商品时, 速度和反应性可以成为企业的关键竞争优势.

同样,台式电话的需求也不应被忽视. 电话不仅可以与组织的其他部门建立牢固的联系, it also provides audio quality and comfort not currently available with software applications — for now.

The sociological and psychological impact of a digital transformation is an important area to consider. 超出要部署的数字服务, it’s important to understand which functions require personalised attention based on their mission and their contribution to the 业务目标.

提供卓越的员工体验, we recommend a hybrid cloud strategy where enterprises keep their existing telephony equipment, complemented with cloud-based services such as Rainbow™ by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise UCaaS, 哪一个提供了在未来完全转向云计算的能力, 在有意义且风险有限的情况下.

3. 对业务流程和IT操作的影响

如前所述, 基于云的协作平台在任何数字化工作场所都是必不可少的, however, 这不应该被认为是终局, but rather a foundation upon which to build additional components of the digital strategy.

在大多数情况下,员工需要的不仅仅是与同事聊天. 他们需要与同龄人互动, customers, 同时在正确的时间获得正确的信息. 这意味着,通信和业务流程或应用程序必须相关联.

Integrating real-time communications with customer relationship management systems (CRM), ERPs, 人力资源申请, and learning management systems (LMS) empowers employees with the information they require to engage in contextual conversations. In addition to efficiency from a customer perspective it also provides a better workforce experience.

从技术角度来看, IT departments need to ensure that integration is possible; either at cloud-level through off-the-shelf connectors or APIs provided by a Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS); or at the premises-level to complement existing communications servers.

While a 数字工作 can be rapidly deployed using a combination of existing equipment, 比如电话服务器和基于云的协作服务, 一个长期战略应该包括定义 业务目标, a 卓越的员工体验, and the 业务流程 赋予人民权力,提高竞争力.

这些都可以是分步方法的一部分, however, it is important to assess progress and measure benefits along the way to ensure that objectives are met, 取得成果, 最重要的是,它提供了一个敬业的工作环境. 企业是其员工的总和. Organisations that don’t keep up with the evolving 数字工作 risk losing their most important resources as employees seek alternative options that provide the connection and efficiency they demand.

ALE混合云模式保护了过去的投资, 防止现有应用程序的中断, devices, and services, 员工们习惯的工作方式. And, it puts real-time communications at the core of its processes to deliver a superior workplace experience and a competitive advantage for the enterprise.


Xavier Martin

Xavier Martin


Xavier Martin is Vice President, Market Development at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. In this role, he leads the Solution Marketing and Business Intelligence team for the Communications Business Division. 

Xavier has more than 25 years of management experience in the software solutions industry, 包括商业情报和客户服务. In 2013, 他出版了《火狐体育手机官网》一书, a book that explains how organizations can leverage technology and consumer-led transformation to enter a new era of enterprise communications, 预示着今天所谓的数字化转型.

Xavier has a Master’s degree in Telecom and Computer Sciences from Supinfo, Paris, France.





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