
Patrick Hourtoulle
November 09, 2021

服务中心以远程会诊提升市民的流动应用, enabling 6,000 healthcare professionals to optimize care delivery.

a doctor wearing headphones looking at a computer screen

The recent health crisis unleashed mayhem around the world, 但没有哪个火狐体育手机比医疗保健火狐体育手机更集中. While other workers adjusted to the new work from home norm, healthcare workers found themselves in the eye of the storm.

Cantabrian Health Service (SCS), 西班牙坎塔布连地区的公共卫生机构面临着提供保健服务的任务, and preventive health and rehabilitation for its 583,000 citizens in the midst of the chaos of the day.

SCS了解到,在大流行期间提供医疗专业人员将越来越困难. 为了解决这一前所未有的情况,他们实施了通信平台即服务(CPaaS)战略,以此作为保持患者护理连续性的一种方式,重点是远程医疗. They knew that virtual care, powered by CPaaS technology, 能否提供一个机会,减轻他们已经不堪重负的医疗体系的压力. CPaaS has enabled 6,000 caregivers in hospitals, care centers, 并提供医疗检查服务,提供高效的咨询和优化的护理服务. As well, 远程会诊有助于最大限度地减少感染的传播,并促进更牢固的医患关系.

What exactly is CPaaS?

In simple terms, a Communications Platform as a Service 是基于云的应用程序平台,它提供了集成实时通信和协作功能(例如电话)的综合开发框架吗, chat, video, and file sharing) into business applications.

For SCS, CPaaS提供了一个高度可定制的平台,该平台结合了自动化和聊天机器人来进行简单的查询,并且可以在必要时将患者交给人工代理进行语音或视频咨询. CPaaS技术允许SCS使用数字技术远程与患者接触,这对患者和临床医生来说既简单又安全.


Well, prior to CPaaS, 实时通信只能通过智能手机上的呼叫按钮实现. For example, you might have a healthcare app on your smartphone, but when you need to talk to a healthcare professional, you have to call a hospital phone number. You can't make a WhatsApp or FaceTime call to your doctor!


This is where CPaaS is different. 它为开发人员提供了将实时通信特性添加到其他应用程序中的工具, such as a patient application, medical record applications, or appointment systems, 最重要的是,它无需构建复杂的后端基础设施或接口即可完成.

The power of CPaaS

As one of its requirements, SCS希望增加数字参与,并改善其公民通过智能手机获得医疗服务的机会. 减轻医疗系统及其工作人员的压力, SCS provided patients with the SCSalud mobile app, which gives them the ability to make appointments, access health card details, obtain a list of health centers, identify on-duty pharmacies, access frequently asked questions, and more.

SCS还很快认识到CPaaS方法提供的许多功能, 包括自定义开发的能力 Rainbow™ by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise 平台,用新的用例丰富SCSalud应用程序.

定义的第一个用例为公民提供了通过聊天获得专家健康建议的能力, 并让聊天机器人回答有关疫苗接种和健康中心开放时间的问题. In addition, for more serious cases, they could access voice communications, 确保在坎塔布连地区与医疗保健专业人员进行视频远程咨询.

下面的左图显示了SCSalud应用程序中的一个聊天示例. 右图显示了远程会诊期间医生的视频通话.

SCS use case blog illustration: chat

继超过一百三十六人成功采纳“可持续发展服务”的申请后,000 citizens, 肿瘤科正在推进第二个用例. The requirement is to embed real-time communications, in the form of videoconferencing between physicians, directly into the oncology platform. Bahia Software已经轻松地将Rainbow CPaaS API集成到医生的预约日历中. 能够直接从业务应用程序发起医生和多个患者之间的会议,使他们能够更好地协作并提高护理交付的效率.

Cantabrian Health Service已经展示了Rainbow CPaaS作为整个医疗保健系统的数字化推动者的强大功能. The platform, software development kits, and libraries for PC/MAC, iOS和Android智能手机允许开发者轻松安全地添加实时通信功能(包括聊天), chatbot, voice, 和视频)直接进入现有的医疗应用程序,以及患者公民应用程序或几乎任何其他应用程序.

Learn all about ALE Healthcare solutions.

Patrick Hourtoulle

Patrick Hourtoulle


帕特里克负责ALE通信解决方案(价值主张)的营销和沟通, blogs, use case, etc.) for the healthcare industry.

He started his career as a developer engineer, 然后作为售前语音专家工作了9年,以支持ALE售前社区. Since 2016, 他继续把他深厚的专业知识带到医疗保健团队中开发通信营销信息.

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